I’m currently running into an issue with overhead cloning. I’m obviously doing something wrong here and I can’t figure out what the issue is. I’ve gone through multiple steps to try and debug the issue, but nothing is working. I’m getting no errors in output as well.
Not showing at all, I’ve also added some print statements to try and debug the issue, all print statements are sent in output and the BillboardGui doesn’t appear at all on my head.
I tried 3 print statements, all of them went through without any errors. I checked my character’s head through explorer while in studio, and didn’t see the BillboardGui as a child of the head.
Tip to future proof your code is to account for initial state which in this case would be a player who joined before PlayerAdded connects or a character spawning before CharacterAdded connects. Although creating a new function per player is a little questionable, I usually write it like this:
local function playerAdded(player)
local function characterAdded(character)
if player.Character then
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
That’s what I’m saying. People are flipping out on my Youtube Channel saying it doesn’t work while i’m like why the heck did Roblox make an update randomly that changed the “Headless Head” to an actual no head on a player.
Parent your BillboardGuis to the character’s HumanoidRootPart. If you want to control where it appears, parent the BillboardGui to an attachment, then parent the attachment to the HumanoidRootPart and move it up. @nodoubtjordan you might also be interested in what I said.
I think you can fix this by checking if the head mesh is a certain ID (like, the headless head mesh id) and deleting that mesh, but then making the head transparency 1 and the face transparency 1.