Hi! I’ve created this Overhead rank for a group called Makoui! This is my first one, so if you think it needs any fix or anything else you may tell me by replying!
I’m glad you moved it to the right category, a pat on the back
Right now, the overhead gui looks a bit bland. You can spice it up with experimenting with different fonts, colours and making the name or rank large and bold commonly done in overhead tags.
Overall, looks decent
Thank you! I’ll make sure to do it.
It looks like a good start, but theres always that can be done to make something better
What you could do is maybe try out some other Colors, Fonts or actually maybe make the Name text differentiate from the Rank text by making it pretty larger / changing colors etc.
Otherwise it looks pretty cool
I’m sure I can try to do it a little bit better. Thanks for the reply!
You could try adding a small border around each letter, which is I think the ‘TextStroke’ property if I can remember.
I would say with the same font, maybe play around with UIGradients and TextStrokes. Otherwise, it looks pretty nice!