Overhead Gui Changing sizes on zooming in and out

It will still get bigger until that point, so that would be unhelpful.

When i play solo with the developer rank, i have the following size :

I discovered that you’ve been given the Billboard UI as :
local billboardgui = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):WaitForChild("BillboardGui")

Which is this instance :

Can you guess the size of this instance ?

Wdym can I guess the size?? lol

wait, so you really don’t know the issue here ?

It is 3am right now, can you just explain.

I’m fairly annoyed with your lack of curiosity, if you complains about the time, it might be time to sleep.
you’re copying “BillboardGui” as your source for the overhead UI,
While what you’ve been editing all along is not BillboardGui, but Testing gui…

Your billboardgui’s size is 200x50


Sorry if I sounded rude, or was lazy, I am being forced to try to fix this rlly late at night, I have very annoying friends.