Overhead Gui Changing sizes on zooming in and out

I have a overhead gui for me, but whenever I zoom out it gets bigger. Here is a example:
How do I stop if from changing sizes while zooming out and in.

It looks like it gets bigger, but no, they simply take the exact same amount of pixels on your screen.
if the current size is 100x25, it’s absolute and will stay that way all the time.

You have to set the size under Scales instead of Offset, as Scales isn’t a fixed pixel, but act as a ratio/%

Example : UI.Size = {2,0,0.4,0}

What should I scale it to? And I need to scale the both how do I tell which one im choosing to scale with.

Here aree my current ones Capture

Size of a UI have 4 slots, that looks like this = {0,0,0,0}

in order, these are :

  • Scale Horizontal
  • Offset Horizontal
  • Scale Vertical
  • Offset Vertical

all you need to do is entirely remove the offset numbers, which, as i said, are additional pixels.
it’s basically 0.8% + 200 Pixels right now

you don’t even need to ask “what number” it should be, you can preview the text behavior instantly once you change any number, and see what you find appropriate for your game.

Removing the offset numbers did not work.

you also have to scale the label inside of the gui as: (1,0,1,0)

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set the textlabel inside the overhead gui’s size to {1,0,1,0} then tick TextScaled to true

Did the exact thing you said, and it did not work.

Nothing yet has helped. Here are my settings:

Use Scale instead of Offsets for the Billboard Gui and all its UI Children.

I did, haha. It is very weird I will just make a new one.

Can you show a ScreenShot? 30chars

Billboard gui
part 1 of the text label
part 2

Are you sure you actually made a new one ?

I spawned the instance, did the scales on both, and it’s literally done :

Unless this is not what you’re looking for ?

Is that the backround or a frame?

TextLabel’s Background, yes.

The white space I mean btw lol

lolol.rbxl (1.3 MB)
Here is the place if you can check out the settings it is called testing gui in the ServerStorage.

there is a property max distance its basically how much far the bill board gui goes if you set max distance to 10 you will only see by 10 studs and below