Overhead icon based on rank

how could i display an icon/image above the players head depending on their rank?


	local ls = Instance.new("Folder")
	ls.Name = "leaderstats"
	ls.Parent = plr

	local winsValue = Instance.new("IntValue")
	winsValue.Name = "Wins"
	winsValue.Parent = ls
	local rankValue = Instance.new("StringValue")
		rankValue.Name = "Rank"
		rankValue.Parent = ls
	local function updateRank(wins)
		if wins >= 400 then
			rankValue.Value = "Aether"
		elseif wins >= 300 then
			rankValue.Value = "Divino"
		elseif wins >= 200 then
			rankValue.Value = "Imortal"
		elseif wins >= 150 then
			rankValue.Value = "Supremo Lendário"
		elseif wins >= 100 then
			rankValue.Value = "Supremo"
		elseif wins >= 80 then
			rankValue.Value = "Lendário"
		elseif wins >= 65 then
			rankValue.Value = "Mestre"
		elseif wins >= 50 then
			rankValue.Value = "Destemido"
		elseif wins >= 35 then
			rankValue.Value = "Experiente"
		elseif wins >= 5 then
			rankValue.Value = "Especialista"
		elseif wins >= 1 then
			rankValue.Value = "Competente"
			rankValue.Value = "Iniciante"
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You could create a billboard gui above the players heads.

well here is the model with the overhead after this is up to you to change what you want on it, bet the ranks will be in a table which in my opinion is better, don’t forget to place the scripts in the folders that i put on the parents name
overhead auto rank update.rbxm (5.5 KB)

bet here is what it will looks like

That’s what i wanted but with an image aswell !

well i got no images for it so i couldn’t
if you could provide some images i can help you

Would this work?!

local Competente = "rbxassetid://6808355480" -- Owner Rank Icon
local Especialista = "rbxassetid://6808446102"  -- Dev Rank Icon 

--[ GUI LOCALS ]--

local gui = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild("Icons")
local image = gui.ImageLabel



		local ls = Instance.new("Folder")
		ls.Name = "leaderstats"
		ls.Parent = plr

		local rankValue = Instance.new("StringValue")
		rankValue.Name = "Rank"
		rankValue.Parent = ls

		if rankValue.Value == "Competente" then
			local gui = gui:Clone()
			gui.Parent = Character.Head
			gui.Adornee = Character.Head
			image.Image = Competente
		elseif rankValue.Value == "Especialista" then
			local gui = gui:Clone()
			gui.Parent = Character.Head
			gui.Adornee = Character.Head
			image.Image = Especialista

that think not optimized bet why are you making again the leaderstats? if it already exist in the script i provided you, and can you send an image of how you want it to look like , for example if you want the image next to the rank or …

u can choose the image u want to just as a sample

what i mean is
or something different?

the image would be above and rank below

and does you want the rank to only be for dev/owner?

there’s many ranks and the ranks are defined by wins like

if u got 10 wins ur rank is = Beginner

what i’m telling is the icon does you want it to only appear for dev/owner or for every?

everyone, so everyone could see eachothers rank

make an UI and send it so i can work on it better , i’m really getting meh of this roblox UI maker

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