Overhead UI Appears on Part Touch: Not Working

I’m trying to make a script that makes a billboardUI appear above a players head once they touch a part, I’m trying to learn scripting, but instead of making the overhead appear above the players head once the part is touched, the script just gives me the overhead as soon as I join.

Example of overhead appearing as soon as I join:

What I’m trying to do is make it appear when the player steps onto the part, I’m trying to figure out what’s going wrong and I’ve tried for about an hour now but just can’t put my finger on it. The script I’m using is below (it’s inside of the part I want the player to touch for the overhead to appear).

local overhead = game.ServerStorage.RedOverhead

		if script.Parent.Touched:Connect() then
			overhead.Parent = Character.Head

Any advice or help would be appreciated, thanks! :grin:


Why must you use the Players service? Just connect the .Touched directly.

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Any advice on how I would do that? Just a bit confused.

Discard the playeradded event as it isnt doing anything

local OverHead = game.ServerStorage.OverHead
local TouchPart = script.Parent

local function Touched(TouchingObject)
	local Character = TouchingObject.Parent
-- makes sure whats touching it is a player and makes sure they dont already have an overhead
	if not Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or Character.Head:FindFirstChild("OverHead") then return end
	local OverheadClone = OverHead:Clone()
	OverheadClone.Parent = Character.Head

-- better practice to declare a function beforehand, cleaner code

I understand it alot more now, thanks! This worked.


No worries! Added a few comments to further explain.

Hey, I was just checking out the script in-game and it looks like the overhead keeps cloning itself multiple times whilst the player is still on the part, if there any way to prevent this - if so, mind explaining or letting me know? Thanks!


I didn’t adhere to your original instance names, perhaps changing this


to this


would fix the issue. :+1:


That fixed the issue, I was going to try and make it so the overhead disappears when I step off the part but that isn’t going well either, lol. I changed the script a bit at the end to make the overhead disappear once the player steps off the part, doesn’t seem to work either. Sorry for asking for so much help, but do you think you could try help out/explain how one would do that too, thanks. :+1: (script below)

local OverHead = game.ServerStorage.RedOverhead
local TouchPart = script.Parent
local TouchEnded = script.Parent.TouchEnded

local function Touched(TouchingObject)
	local Character = TouchingObject.Parent

	if not Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or Character.Head:FindFirstChild(OverHead.Name) then return end

	local OverheadClone = OverHead:Clone()
	OverheadClone.Parent = Character.Head
	if TouchEnded then



local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")

local OverHead = game.ServerStorage.RedOverhead
local TouchPart = script.Parent

local function Touched(TouchingObject)
	local Character = TouchingObject.Parent

	if not Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or Character.Head:FindFirstChild(OverHead.Name) then return end

	local OverheadClone = OverHead:Clone()
	OverheadClone.Parent = Character.Head

local function TouchEnded(TouchingObject)
	local Character = TouchingObject.Parent
	-- making sure its valid
	if not Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end
	-- Attempts to find the overhead
	local FoundOverHead = Character.Head:FindFirstChild(OverHead.Name)
	if FoundOverHead then
		Debris:AddItem(FoundOverHead, 0)
		-- Debris is a better :Destroy(), doesnt error if the instance no longer exists when destroying it
		-- the second number is the time until it destroys upon declaring, for our purposes we want it to be instant

-- Touchended works the same as .touched, needs to be connected.

Thanks so much, you helped me developed a much better understanding of everything. I appreciate all your help!

Was trying the script out and it looks like the overheads keeps flashing on and off when I’m on the part, I checked in the explorer and it just keeps dissapearing and re-appearing so maybe it’s destroying itself then instantly re-appearing?

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That would mean touchended is triggering somehow. perhaps the part isnt anchored?

itd likely have better detection if cancollide was set to false, standing on top of it can cause it to bug out sometimes

Just anchored it and turned cancollide to false, it doesn’t flash anymore when standing still but when walking on the part it starts to flash again

I’ll create another post asking about it, thanks for your help though!

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