I am creating a scp-like game and I’d like to make a system that will change my team when I join but im not sure how I would do it.
(Using the team system that’s built into studio)
I am creating a scp-like game and I’d like to make a system that will change my team when I join but im not sure how I would do it.
(Using the team system that’s built into studio)
Use PlayerAdded function and check the players ID to an array of allowed user id’s and change their team.
local Players, Teams = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Teams") -- Get Services
local Admins = { -- Array of UserIds
113914723, -- Your UserId
1234, -- If you want to add more, just put the ID and then "," after.
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- Player joins
for index, id in pairs(Admins) do -- Loop through all of the IDs
if player.UserId == id then -- Check if the ID matches
player.Team = Teams:FindFirstChild("Admins") -- Set their team, replace "Admins" with the name of your team.
local Game = game
local Players = Game:GetService("Players")
local Admins = {
[1] = true,
[Game.CreatorId] = true
local function OnPlayerAdded(Player)
if not Admins[Player.UserId] then return end
--Player is an admin.