Owns gamepass or not

Hi, this is a weird silly question but I was wondering if it’s possible to make a game to check if someone owns a gamepass without them having their inventory open?

Do you want to check for a player that is in-game or do you want to check for a player that is not in-game?

For the player not in-game I would like to make a secondary game where I have a frame with a textbox where you put the players username and then the gamepass id as the section option it will show whether or not they own said gamepass.

For that, you would need to use a proxy. I would suggest to have a look at RoProxy which allows you to access Roblox APIs.

Yes, yes yes!! This was my question, I was hoping that someone would know what api I need to use!!

I will try get some information on what’s best.

Alright, I think I have found an API.

This API has the parameters:

  • userId
  • itemType
  • itemTargetId

If the itemTargetId is owned by the user, the application returns a boolean with the value true

local httpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local baseURL = "https://inventory.roproxy.com/v1/users/%s/items/%s/%s/is-owned"

local userID = 1
local itemType = "GamePass"
local targetId = 0000000

local URL = baseURL:format(userID, itemType, targetId)

local data
local response

local success, err = pcall(function()
	response = httpService:GetAsync(URL)
	data = httpService:JSONDecode(response)

if not success then
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Apologies , for replying late, tysm. <3

Thank you so much, I can now make what I wanted to make :slight_smile: :heart: :heart:

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