this is essentially conjecture, but ever since adding this to my game i have had a noticeable increase in reports of server crashes. not sure how this would be triggered, and its definitely possible it has nothing to do with this resource. but use with discretion.
The plugin does not activate, i.e. run, until you first open it for the first time - meaning it should have no impact on the game until it’s opened for the first time:
Update RemotePacketSizeCounter dependency to v2.3.1
NOTE: please update your plugin & potential in-game modules! Despite updating the packet size counter’s version, I didn’t actually install the new version, which caused it to be at v2.1.0 this whole time.
Added the latest version to our game, but it doesn’t seem to open up the menu for me when I press ctrl+f5 everytime.
Works fine on join, but then sometimes it can disappear when dying, and pressing ctrl+f5 again doesn’t bring it back up again.
Fix in-game profiler gui disappearing upon respawn
cc. @apenzijncoolenleuk1 NOTE: if you rely on custom PlayerGui cleaning behavior (e.g. destroying all screenguis upon respawn), make sure you don’t destroy PacketChart and PacketProfiler!
Hey, I just stumbled upon a documentation of the ROBLOX File Format. I’m not entirely sure if it’s accurate, but I found it onMaximumADHD’s replyand it’s also mentioned on the Wikipedia page about file signaturesList of file Signature. Maybe check it out?
I completely forgot about the ‘PacketChart’ while testing. That still has ResetOnSpawn set to true.
Single-line fix for me was to add ResetOnSpawn = false,
to line 162 of the PacketChart module.