The following page instructs the reader to “Create a Universal Analytics property”, which Google states is deprecated and will no longer track data as of July 1st, 2023.
This makes the guide unfollowable as it doesn’t appear substituting the required tracking ID with the modern measurement ID works.
This page is now deprecated. It was originally drafted while our own Roblox Analytics were in early development, but now that our analytics services are more robust, using third party analytics is less optimal for users.
To your question, universal analytics property has been replaced by Google Analytics 4. If you’re still interested in using this third party service, here’s a link to their documentation:
Using a third-party service for analytics is still valuable for tracking custom events. It’s a shame Roblox won’t update their documentation for it.
For anybody else looking, I did some experimenting to try and get modern Google Analytics working throughout this thread here. This can be a major pain though so I gave up.