Pages aren't centered properly

ROBLOX’s incorrect centering has been irking me for the longest time. It’s not related to adblocker or anything like that. Regardless of whether an adblocker is used, the sidebar is not taken into account when centering the page. Case and point:

As you can see there’s hardly any room between the sidebar and the left side of the page contents, but there’s tons of room between the right side of the screen and the page contents. This is what it should look like:

As you can see, with the alignment properly accounting for the sidebar, the page looks significantly better. ROBLOX webpages need to take the sidebar into account when centering page contents (when it’s part of the page and not in hide/show mode on smaller screens).

This is presumably because if they did move the ad to the right, and make the page wider (and centered), not only would it create extra whitespace on the current page layouts - some devices would no longer see the skyscrapper ad. The ad only displays if it can fit on your resolution - moving the ad 186px would result in smaller screens no longer seeing them.

This is a non-issue. Before the screen gets small enough for that to happen, the sidebar collapses first and resolves the alignment issue:

True, I suppose. Ads show at 1175px width, not many devices have a screen smaller than that. However, I currently primarily use a netbook, so without my external monitor, I don’t see skyscrapper ads.

Why not just add a second skyscrapper to the left of the page like the home page? - then it will be centered perfectly.

So we should add another ad to the page …because there’s not enough room for even one? There aren’t any special changes needed to fix alignment. Just fix alignment – leave everything else as it is.

??? how would that change the width of the page at all? the ad would only show if it can fit on the screen (like the homepage ads do, on smaller screens only the right one shows - thus the page isn’t aligned, like games page)

perhaps that isn’t the best solution - but I don’t see them making the body wider, and moving the body to the left could potentially cause ads not to show on a popular screen resolution. I don’t know what screen resolutions are most popular on roblox that’s just a theory.

Anyways, this doesn’t really bug me so I don’t care too much but I can see why others would.

The body is not being made wider. There are literally 0 size changes. Look at the screenshots in the OP – the issue is the sidebar not being accounted for in center, and not anything related to screen width.

My apologies, I’m half asleep at the moment, I now realize the flaws with what I said.

I’m all for this, seems simple enough to me.