PageUp / PageDown not being detected by UserInputService.InputBegan

Why PageUp / PageDown keys are not being detected by UserInputService.InputBegan?
How to fix this?

But it’s moving the camera view up and down.

If it not work, u cant do nothing, because roblox have the control to the core, u cant change the code of the corescripts, and nothing! (It can be fixed i know), if u can send the code i can say if is roblox or is the code is wrong.

I hope to be of help to you :sweat_smile:

Interesting. On the list of Keycodes we can definitely see a page up and down there.

Maybe try using InputChanged instead. What does your code look like?

Maybe your keyboard might he broken or you may have to hold the function key or alt

Are you using GameProcessedEvent as I believe PageUp and PageDown are somehow linked to the CoreGui, again we need your code.

Notice, that the list of keycodes is every keycode including the ones Roblox does not support such as the



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Also if he needs to hold down function / alt to access the key then I don’t believe he can do it since I don’t believe Roblox accounts for these.

local UserInputService 	= game:GetService("UserInputService")
	print (Input.KeyCode)	

Try this in a LocalScript.

There’s definitely something weird about my game because running the example above on a new BasePlate, will recognize these keys.
The strange thing is this: in my game, it will only recognize PgUp and PgDown if I keep pressing the Ctrl key…

		print("Input,GPE: ", Input,GPE, Input.KeyCode)

Input,GPE: InputObject false Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl
Input,GPE: InputObject false Enum.KeyCode.PageUp
Input,GPE: InputObject false Enum.KeyCode.PageDown

This is probably because page up / down is a secondary key on your keyboard (you need to hold down ctrl for it to work) if so it’s not a Roblox issue, but it’s got to do with your keyboard.

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Just to clarify the wording in your response here: are the page keys registering in a blank baseplate but not in your active experience specifically? If this is the case then this is an experience-specific issue which most likely chalks up to these keys having their input sunk.

Do you know of any code in your experience, CoreScript or developer code, that creates any bindings to the page keys? Please take a screenshot of your ActionBindings console window including the input types and the action names. Holding a modifier key should not be a factor in whether these keys register because their input is registered independently.

I don’t think you read my previous comment.
Keys are being recognized in a blank project.
So it has nothing to do with my keyboard, but something strange with my official project.

Then the keys are being sunk by an in-gam script…

Can we please see the ones that are further down on the scrolling list.

@colbert2677 @Abcreator
I tried to remove absolutely everything on my original project, except this on my LocalScript:

local UserInputService 			= game:GetService("UserInputService")
	print("Input,GPE: ", Input,GPE, Input.KeyCode)

Here the original file: game.rbxl (25.9 KB)

Could you please open it and try those keys and tell me what you got?

Sadly, I cannot right now as I am on mobile.

nvm, since these keys are being recognized in my game only when Ctrl is pressed, I’ll change my game to intercept Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown:anguished:

There must be something referencing ctrl in your game, if you find it you’ll solve the issue.

The project I attached in my last post has only those lines… and the problem goes on…

Are you sure it’s not something with your keyboard?