[PAID] Builder needed for single map

I probably done this before but lets give this another shot.

Map details:
I want a blood harvest from l4d sort of map. But original design, not a copy.
It should be a foggy wheat field with barns and roads inbetween, semi big map.
More details given to the choosen builder.


  • In robux (depending on quality, no limit really)
  • Decided before map is made by both parties


  • Great builder, no “i just started last week but i can probably pull this off” entries.
  • Previous work fits standard
  • Got skype
  • Replies quickly


  • Less than 10 CSG models
  • Accurate positions, no parts at position (0.01232910923,0.1203921039102932,12.0993990001)
  • Quick building, willing to lay down alot of time to make the map done quickly.
  • Respect for further building instructions (given to choosen builder)

How to apply:
Post link to previous works down below.

Note: If map does not meet standards, I wont use it and I wont pay for it.

@GuestCapone you’d love this

i’d be interested.

well you sorta failed to execute the only instruction i wrote so no, it’d say that disqualifies you.

Sorry PlaceRebuilder, would love to do this as the finale for Blood Harvest is my absolute favorite map! But there are a few things going against me, Accurate positions… as a user of Edge Align, I get floating point issues (because I like having my edges lining up!) and I’m not sure if I can do the quick building as my real life is unknown, I have very little control of what happens in it as well as when I “work” in the family business. (literally, I’m told the night before im working X and Y until Z)

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I’d love to but I’m probably one of the least ‘accurate’ builders out there, it’s my style lol. And under 10 CSG models is a fairly difficult task for such a large map

Sounds interesting. Not sure if I should apply.

EDIT: were you thinking of fields of actual corn stalk pieces?

Out of curiosity, were you planning on having this map made in secrecy, as an open secret, or publishing updates as the map is built?

I would apply because the map style is interesting to me, but I am not a very quick builder.

Ah, sorry for late reply.

I think Im going to try build it myself, it’s the best way to get things done how i like it.
I’ma buy meshes online and use them to create a realistic enviroment.

It’s not a secret im making the map but it’s not going to be published until its done.

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