Our game has a Gacha system which uses a currency called Gems, Gems are obtainable through regular gameplay AND Robux, which makes the gacha a “paid random item” feature.
Would disabling the ability to purchase Gems with Robux for the affected players (NL, Belgium, UK) in this case be a viable workaround to the policy without blocking or disrupting gameplay? If they can’t buy the Gems with Robux directly, and they can still obtain them through gameplay, it should be fine?
This question has been asked before but it’s been over a year since the last similar post I found, so I wanted to make sure if this is allowed in the current day.
Wrong paid random item is not where you buy currency for Robux. A paid random item they are referring to is lootboxes. How loot boxes work is you buy them with Robux or game currency and you get a random item. It is banned in those countries, because it is considered gambling. You see these paid random items in many games like pet sim, adopt me, etc.
“When true, the player cannot interact with paid (via in-experience currency bought with Robux, or Robux directly) random item generators.” Is for paidrandomitems, so your work around should work, but take caution with. It.