Pallet Physics Being Weird

There’s no “Physics Help and Support” so I thought this’d be the closest option.

So, I’ve made some random forklift physics-type game in Studio. But, the forks just don’t wanna pick up the pallet, at all. Is this just Roblox’s physics- well- being Roblox physics? Is it something on my end? Or have I done something wrong here?

Video footage: Pallet Physics Being Weird.
Game: Untitled Forklift Game - Roblox

EDIT: It always seems to work in Studio…

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To cheese it I would honestly just make it so the pallet welds to the fork instead, cause ROBLOX physics can truly derp out sometimes.

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Strange though, I checked out some other games and their forklifts seem to pick up items completely fine…

Make your pallet massless. It’s a property for all BaseParts.

Unfortunately it did nothing. Anything else I could try?

Edit: this game, with a similar concept, allows you to pick up something fine. Surely I’m doing something wrong here. I just don’t know what.

Wow that looks very weird, I can imagine it being pretty annoying… I think this could have something to do with network ownership, I recommend that whenever the pallet is close to a player in a forklift, set the network owner of all the parts in that pallet to the player. (Also the forklift should by default be set to the player sitting in it)

Maybe I’m just dumb, but how would I go about setting up NetworkOwnership?

I thought maybe, when the fork touches something, and if that thing is the base part (the part that everything is welded to) of the pallet, it would set the NetworkOwnership of said part to that player, and reset the NetworkOwnership when the fork loses contact.

Would that work?

Okay, I figured it out, but it does nothing to help.

Hmm… I guess it’s just roblox physics being annoying as usual.

The best thing I can think of is to manually weld the pallet to the forklift whenever the forklift gets under the pallet, however this can ruin some gameplay mechanics such as objects falling off. Is the forklift using a meshpart for the actual fork? If so, then I recommend you turn CanCollide off for the forks and instead place invisible parts with cancollide on as the actual collider parts.

I’m using a pair of normal parts for the fork.

Yeah, and really, I wanna keep the pallets unwelded. The physics of it make it a bit more fun, but these physics issues are just annoying.

Are you tweening the forks when you move them up and down? If so then I recommend switching to BodyMovers or some other kind of physics-based movement method. I’ve heard that tweening is very unreliable when it’s directly associated with physics as it can make the parts ignore collisions.

I’m using a repeat loop that offsets the Y value of the C1 weld to the forklift. Things like Tweening and BodyMovers don’t work without unwelding the forks, which, isn’t too good. I’ve seen someone else use my method on YouTube, and theirs works fine, not to mention it was 5 years ago.

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If all else fails then I genuinely don’t know. If you say it works in-studio then it seems to be an issue with networking, which means :SetNetworkOwner might be your best solution to at least make it more reliable.

Can you push the pallet around, not just lift it up? Like can you push it with the forklift forks when they’re fully lowered? If so then the method you’re using the move the forks up might be the issue.

This might be the exact reason it worked in the first place in the video, since modern roblox probably uses different and revised physics.

I might be wrong but certain weld types might stick to the Part1 no matter what happens to it, experiment with ManualWeld, WeldConstraints and plain Welds, they’re all different in behaviour.

I can push the pallet around. Plus, could you provide links or something that detail the differences between welds?

Plain weld info: Weld | Roblox Creator Documentation
WeldConstraint info: WeldConstraint | Roblox Creator Documentation
ManualWeld info: ManualWeld | Roblox Creator Documentation

Difference between WeldConstraint and Welds:

Quick question, what did you use to make the fork go up and down?

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I mentioned this subject in this post.

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