Panda Hotels & and
Resorts Handbook!
Table of Contents
1.0 - Rules + Guidelines
1.1 - Rules Overview
1.2 - In Game Rules
1.3 - Staff Expectation
2.0 - Ranks
2.1 - Ranks Overview
2.2 - Promotion
2.3 - Demotion
3.0 - Admin/Mod Commands
3.1 - Admin/Mod Commands guideline
1.0 - Rules And Guidelines
1.1 - Rules Overview
Along with the rules listed in both 1.2 - In Game Rules and 1.3 - Discord Rules, all Sunset Lodge staff are allowed to reinforce these rules within reasoning at their own discretion. This means, a punishment may happen without breaking the rules listed, in order to keep the community safe. If you believe that you were wrongfully punished, please read 1.4 - Ban Appeal/Report. All punishments are logged and listed in order to monitor and be able to catch wrongful punishments.
1.2 - In Game Rules
1 - Everyone MUST Follow ROBLOX TOS.
2 - Absolutely NO Trolling
3 - No Spamming (5+ Messages)
4 - No Caps (3+ Messages)
5 - No Exploiting
6 - No Causing Drama
7 - No Bypassing (Chat or Audio)
1.3 Staff Expectation
Behavior Expectations | There is also a certain way you, as a Staff, are expected to act within our group establishments and communications server. The sole purpose of this enforcement is to provide a secure and stable way of managing our staff and our company - otherwise there would be no disciplinary order at all. Please review the following key features that are essential to your daily job.
Professionalism Expectations | This is our most important trait, as it is a major fundamental into providing an excellent workspace and splendid client impressions. There is a drawn line between acting professionally and acting casually; there is a plain difference. When you’re professional, you show that you’re experienced and know what you’re doing in your job. Using grammar and acting polite is a way to be professional, because we need to welcome our clients into our company in a nice way. Also, complying with our dress code is vital to looking neat at your job.
Admin Abuse | Being our most crucial and serious disciplinary infraction, admin abuse is not tolerated ever at Sunset Lodge & Resorts. Admin abuse can range from banning everyone in a server, flying, or teleporting just one person without their consent. Why is this all admin abuse? It’s considered this because when you take advantage negatively of your moderation commands, and another person isn’t able to do what you’re doing, it is highly unfair. You may not teleport yourself into game pass-only areas, give yourself special items you aren’t supposed to get / didn’t buy, mass-kick or mass-ban, use the commands “:m” & “:n” In the hotel itself, and use many more inappropriate commands. If you are not sure whether the action you want to do is considered admin abuse, please go to the [Commands Conduct] or consult with a superior to confirm it for you.
Correct Moderation | You have been given the privilege to moderate our games, and this is not a power to abuse. There is a fine line between correctly using your abilities and abusing them. Hosts are allowed to use the :m command when hosting their sessions. You can always use the command :pm (USER) (MESSAGE) to message one another privately in-game. Additionally, you can use the sit/bring/tp/to commands - and if you are doing it on another player, make sure you have their consent. You may NOT use these commands on a massive scale. There are other commands not listed here that you may need to ask about, but otherwise these are safe.
Attitude Expectations | Within the management team, we ask that you all remain respectful and courteous to each other. Therefore we have asked that you abide by these policies to ensure we are working cooperatively with one another and not quarreling and beginning drama. If a policy is infracted, the Human Resources department will warn you to stop your actions, and if continued, we will not hesitate to carry out consequences.
2.0 - Ranks
2.1 - Ranks Overview
There are a various number of different roles, ranks, jobs and duties to do within Sunset Lodge & Resorts, and with each of those there are certain guidelines and expectations to be followed, 2.0 - Ranks will cover those guidelines and expectations in order to give you an easier time completing tasks.
2.2 - Promotion
You will get promoted by showing unique dedication towards our company. Not everyone gets promoted by attending lots of sessions. Only the most professional and the most deserving members of management can highly satisfy our Human Resources department in order to be promoted to a higher rank. This means if you’re a Staff, attending in a majority of sessions and making as few mistakes as possible will most likely earn you a promotion if this behavior is kept consistently. If you’re a Middle Rank and above, you must show extreme leadership, determination, and activity everywhere at Sunset Lodge & Resorts.
2.3 Demotion
You can also be demoted for your inconsistent schedule at your job or if our Human Resources department believes you do not suit your job correctly. You will be notified of why you were demoted through DMs, and if you react in an inappropriate manner, we will not hesitate to terminate your position and/or blacklist you from being hired at Sunset Lodge & Resorts. Some reasons for a demotion are inactivity, immaturity, and misuse of a job. Meanwhile, some reasons for a termination are admin abuse, extreme immaturity/unprofessionalism, and extreme negative impact. Please keep in mind that this is only some of the possibilities of why you can be assigned a penalty and there are many more!
3.0 - Admin/Mod Commands
3.1 - Useable Commands
- :kick (If the person had 3 warnings or kick-able offense if the warn command does not kick after III warns)
- :ban (If the person had 6 kicks or ban-able offense)
- :to
- :Sit
- :jump
- :info
- :view
- :h (May only be used for important messages)
- :m (May only be used by SHR)
Any commands with “all” in it is not allowed, it could lead into a demotion.
Panda Hotels & Resorts SHR Team