Welcome to Panda Palace Cafe! We have a huge variety of food, drinks and activates for all types of people. Want to join the crew, be a customer or just make new friends, join us and work your way up the ranks. We look forward to serving you! This group was started on Augest 24th, 2022 by RandomMrJay and RandomMrsTay and SpaceLink Studios. We work on providing the best possible experience to all players and will continue to strive for excellence.
Panda Palace Games
Upon following Roblox Terms of Service requirements, we have our own set of rules set forth for our Costumers and Staff members to follow. Failing to abide by these rules could result in your account in moderation from Panda Palace and depending on the severity of the act, moderated from all of SpaceLink Studios.
- Trolling and or disruptive behavior is no permitted
- Harassment is not permitted
- Exploiting in away way is not permitted.
- By passing Roblox chat filter settings
- Playing music through your microphone if you have voice chat is not permitted
- Extreme swearing using voice chat is not permitted
- Cyber bullying is not permitted
- Homophobic, discrimination, or racism is not permitted
- Spamming Chat is not permitted
- Outside advertising is not permitted
Moderation is overseen by SpaceLink Studios Moderation Team but Panda Palace Cafe Staff holding the rank of [9] Assistant Manager+ have permissions to warn anyone who breaks the rules. Staff holding the rank [12] Coordinator+ have been given permissions to enforce ban to anyone who breaks these rules.
Moderation Information
Moderator Information
Moderators have their own set of rules they must follow before they are allowed to moderate a player. Most moderation for Panda Palace Cafe is handled through SpaceLink Studios Moderation Team but Panda Palace does possess it own moderation team.
Moderation staff have permissions to ban a player who has but not limited to;
- Exploited
- Used voice chat inappropriately
- By passed chat filters
- Used homophobic, discrimination, or racism slurs
Moderation staff have permission to warn a player who has but not limited to;
- Trolling
- Disruptive behavior
- Cyber bullying
- Spamming Chat
- Playing music using voice chat
Moderation members from SpaceLink will be marked with the Shield Symbol () signifying that they are SpaceLink staff, Panda Palace Cafe show display names with ranks, anyone holding the rank of [9] Assistant Manager+ are marked as automatic moderators. Anyone not holding a shield or rank and claiming they are moderation staff, please report it in the Panda Palace communications server.
Moderation members will assist you if you encounter any problems while playing.
Training Information
Training Information
You can become a member today by attending a training. Trainings have no set scheduled but will be announced in the communications server when they will take place.
Purchasing a Rank Information
Purchasing a Rank Information
Purchasing a rank allows you to bypass specific trainings and allow you to immediately start working at Panda Palace Cafe. Purchasing a rank will allow you to gain a rank in the group and in the communications server. By purchasing a rank you agree to the following Terms of Service.
Your rank can be revoked if you violate Roblox Terms of Service or our Terms of Service.
In order for a rank to be revoked, valid proof must be shared with moderation staff of the player breaking Terms of Service, once proof is deemed legitimate, moderation staff will reach out to the player informing their role has been revoked and will show them the proof submitted. Players are allowed to submit appeals, if granted, their rank will be reinstated.
Panda Palace Cafe will issue refunds only issued as a Roblox requirement, technical problems, or anything that has a plausible reason to refund your purchase.
Thank you for your time in reading this forum. We look forward to serving you!
Best Regards,
Panda Palace Cafe, Founder