Welcome to Papers, Please!
What is Papers, Please?
Papers, Please is a game set in the Communist Arstotzka, where you may work the life of a Soviet border guard, booth controller. Immigrate or work as a Separatist in an attempt to push back Soviet Military forces & take over the immigration booth.
Cross the border, work a job and get paid, or, live a life of crime; sneak past border guards, rob banks & stores to make a living, its up to you.
📜 Basic Game Rules
Warning! This is not a complete list of all game rules. Papers, Please rules are subject to change without notice. For a complete list, we recommend you join our Communication servers.
1. Do not Random Kill
- Random Killing, the act of killing another player for no reason is not tolerated and you may be punished for this!
2. Do not Troll!
- Do not attempt to go out of your way to troll or annoy other players. This may include playing loud, obnoxious sounds on your boombox, disrupting the flow of the line or attempting to waste Border Staff’s time,
3. Do not attempt to glitch!
- Do not glitch past the border or cheat in any way. This is punishable up to a permanent ban. Trust me. It’s not worth it.
4. Do not loiter!
- Make way, Comrade! Standing outside the border line, staircase entrance or on top of the booth will result in warning.
5. Follow all Officer’s+ Orders!
- Officers are the Commanders of the Federation and should be respected at all times. Ensure they are respected and do as they say.
More soon. For more information, please read up on the Civilian law.
❓ Papers, Please Game Guide
Purchasing your Permits
- Welcome, new player! And glory to the federation! To begin, select the Immigrant team from the team selection menu & approach the document selling NPCs, where you are able to purchase a Passport and Entry Permit. If you are working, be sure to purchase a Work Permit, and if you possess any weapons, you must purchase a Firearms Permit. 1a. When you arrive at the booth, you will be prompted by a booth agent to state the reason for your entry. If you plan on entering the City for the reason of ‘Work’, a Work Permit will be required alongside a normal permit. In addition, if you have any crates you must state proper reasoning aswell, and finally your guns must be properly licensed with the firearms permit and you must have a valid reason for carrying them.
Being processed at the border
As you exit the Immigrant team’s spawn, the train station, you should be able to follow the Red arrows, located on the floor, towards the border. From there, you are expected to join the line and wait to enter the booth.
While you are in line be sure to stay on top of your very own red pad and between the white lines, and only moving up after the person in front of you moves up or there is free space. While you are in line be sure to not pull out any weapon as this may prompt our soldiers to issue lethal action. Be sure not to cut the line or be too close to somebody, give them space.
Upon entering the booth, you will be prompted by an Admissions Inspector who will ask you to present your Papers, and ask you a series of questions about your immigration. Please refer to point 1a. under ‘Purchasing an Entry Permit’) for more information regarding the reason for entry into the city.
If the inspector deems your immigration as non-malicious, your answers as valid and satisfy the active regulations, they will accept you into the city. From there, you may adventure to do as you please. Some activities you may take part in include robbing stores, the bank, working jobs & visiting the job fair.
⚒️ Development Credits
Building: VasilyevSage, P_residency, Apache, EvanBlackthornScripting: GamerShadows, Ax3xn, Friz_Dzhugashvili, lewisakura Fortune_Volkov, P_residency, Raymond_Reddingt0n
Finishing information
If you have any questions, want to be notified whenever a new event starts or want to engage with the community further, we recommend you join our Communications server, which can be found linked under the Papers, Please game & main Federation group.
Please ensure all game rules are followed at all times to prevent punishments. If you do end up banned from any of the IRFs games, please join our Communications server and check #
appeals-and-applications for more support.
And that is all! Thank you for playing our game
The team @ Federation Studios