Parallel Scheduler - Parallel lua made easy and performant

Great Module! Running into one issue with it, though. I’m getting this error:

Which is linked to this line right here

Based off some debugging I attempted, it seems that after the RemainingTasks hits 2 (red circle), something isn’t cleared and the script still assumes there are 2 tasks and tries to assign them (blue circle). The WorkParmeters for that WorkerId doesn’t exist though so it just errors.

This error will contine to popup for subsequent :Work() requests.

Everything still will work as intended though so I can kinda just ignore it.

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Well that’s dumb lol. I never considered the case where there are more actors than tasks to run XD

This happens when you Schedule and run more tasks (for example 4), then less tasks (but lower than DEFAULT_MAX_WORKERS, ex. 2), 4 actors were created previously, but only 2 have tasks to run, causing the error

The fix is simply to return if there are no params (aka no tasks) for the actor. This is what was (implicitly) happening when you encountered the error, which explains why the module kept working as expected
There might be another, more performant, fix to prevent the excess actors from running in the first place, I might look into it some day

This is also why I didn’t bother to really test this fix thoroughly cuz I’m lazy, so let me know if there are other errors

The roblox Model and the Place have been updated with this fix

Alrighty, thanks for the fix! I’ll keep you updated
Awesome work man :smile:

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Responding to your question in the other thread, the reason why this module did not work for me is the yielding. I’m likely using the module wrong, but when I’m trying to calculate cframe data for hundreds of voxels at a time, and I’m constantly scheduling work to be done through a loop, it ends up looking like this:

And for reference this is what it looks like without parallel scheduler:


Can you show the code that uses Parallel Scheduler?

Make sure you are scheduling all the tasks before running Work(), though it seems like it is yielding to the next frame (and not freezing), which is, odd…
(Could be that there is a maximum amount of parallel phases in a frame?)

Send the code that uses :ScheduleTask() and :Work(), as well as the function inside the module passed to :LoadModule()

my division algorithm script:

local OctreeDivision = {}

local Types = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Types"))
local Settings = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Settings"))
local Constructor = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("PartConstructor"))
local Scheduler = require(script.ParallelScheduler)
local ModTable = Scheduler:LoadModule(script.ModuleScript)

local function partCanSubdivide(part : Part) --Checks if part is rectangular.

	local Threshold = 1.5  -- How much of a difference there can be between the largest axis and the smallest axis 

	local largest = math.max(part.Size.X, part.Size.Y, part.Size.Z) --Largest Axis
	local smallest = math.min(part.Size.X,part.Size.Y, part.Size.Z) -- Smallest Axis

	if smallest == part.Size.X then 
		smallest = math.min(part.Size.Y, part.Size.Z)
	elseif smallest == part.Size.Y then
		smallest = math.min(part.Size.X, part.Size.Z)
	elseif smallest == part.Size.Z then
		smallest = math.min(part.Size.X, part.Size.Y)

	return largest >= Threshold * smallest 
	--Returns true if part is rectangular. 
	--Part is rectangular if the largest axis is at least 1.5x bigger than the smallest axis

function IsBoxWithinPart(data:BasePart, part:Types.VoxelInfo)
	local partPosition = part.CFrame.Position
	local partSize = part.Size
	local halfPartSize = partSize / 2

	local dataMin = data.CFrame.Position - (data.Size / 2)
	local dataMax = data.CFrame.Position + (data.Size / 2)

	local partMin = partPosition - halfPartSize
	local partMax = partPosition + halfPartSize

	return dataMin.X <= partMax.X and dataMax.X >= partMin.X and
		dataMin.Y <= partMax.Y and dataMax.Y >= partMin.Y and
		dataMin.Z <= partMax.Z and dataMax.Z >= partMin.Z

local function CheckForNewVoxelsInHitbox(Voxels:Types.VoxelInfoTable, hitbox:BasePart) -- Vector3,Instance
	local partsInHitbox:Types.VoxelInfoTable = {}
	for i,v in Voxels do
		if IsBoxWithinPart(hitbox,v) then
	return partsInHitbox
local function CheckForNewVoxelsNotInHitbox(Voxels:Types.VoxelInfoTable, hitbox:BasePart) -- Vector3,Instance
	local partsInHitbox:Types.VoxelInfoTable = {}
	for i,v in Voxels do
		if not IsBoxWithinPart(hitbox,v) then
	return partsInHitbox

local function getLargestAxis(part : Part)  --Returns Largest Axis of Part size
	return math.max(part.Size.X, part.Size.Y, part.Size.Z)

local function CutPartinHalf(block : Types.VoxelInfo, TimeToReset : number) --Cuts part into two evenly shaped pieces.
	local partTable:Types.VoxelInfoTable = {} --Table of parts to be returned
	local bipolarVectorSet = {} --Offset on where to place halves
	local X = block.Size.X
	local Y = block.Size.Y
	local Z = block.Size.Z

	if getLargestAxis(block) == X then --Changes offset vectors depending on what the largest axis is.
		X /= 2

		bipolarVectorSet = {,0,0),,0,0),

	elseif getLargestAxis(block) == Y then 

		bipolarVectorSet = {,1,0),,-1,0),

	elseif getLargestAxis(block) == Z then

		bipolarVectorSet = {,0,1),,0,-1),


	local halfSize =,Y,Z)

	for _, offsetVector in pairs(bipolarVectorSet) do
		local info:Types.VoxelInfo = {
			Size = halfSize,
			CFrame = ModTable:Work()[1],
			Parent = block.Parent,
			CanCollide = block.CanCollide,
			Transparency = block.Transparency,
			Material = block.Material,
			Anchored = block.Anchored,
			Color = block.Color,
			AlreadyExistsInWorkspace = false,
			AlreadyDivided = false,
			ResetTime = TimeToReset,
			OriginalPart = block.OriginalPart

	return partTable -- Returns a table containing the two halves

local function DivideBlock(voxInfo : Types.VoxelInfoTable, MinimumVoxelSize : number, TimeToReset : number, Hitbox:BasePart) --Divides part into evenly shaped cubes.
	--MinimumvVoxelSize Parameter is used to describe the minimum possible size that the parts can be divided. To avoid confusion, this is not the size that the parts will be divided into, but rather the minimum allowed
	--You CANNOT change the size of the resulting parts. They are dependent on the size of the original part.

	--if Hitbox == nil then
	--	return voxInfo	

	local partTable:Types.VoxelInfoTable = {} -- Table of parts to be returned
	local minimum = MinimumVoxelSize or Settings.DefaultMinimumVoxelSize
	local inHitbox
	local NotInHitbox
	if Hitbox then
		inHitbox = CheckForNewVoxelsInHitbox(voxInfo,Hitbox)
		NotInHitbox = CheckForNewVoxelsNotInHitbox(voxInfo,Hitbox)
		inHitbox = voxInfo
		--NotInHitbox = voxInfo

	for i,block in inHitbox do
		if (block.Size.X > minimum or block.Size.Y > minimum or block.Size.Z > minimum) then
			if partCanSubdivide(block) then --If part is rectangular then it is cut in half, otherwise it is divided into cubes.
				partTable = CutPartinHalf(block,TimeToReset)

				local Threshold = 1.5  -- How much of a difference there can be between the largest axis and the smallest axis 

				local largest = math.max(block.Size.X, block.Size.Y, block.Size.Z) --Largest Axis
				local smallest = math.min(block.Size.X,block.Size.Y, block.Size.Z) -- Smallest Axis

				if smallest == block.Size.Y and smallest * Threshold <= largest then

					local bipolarVectorSet = {}

					local X = block.Size.X
					local Y = block.Size.Y
					local Z = block.Size.Z

					X /= 2
					Z /= 2
					bipolarVectorSet = { --Offset Vectors,0,1),,0,-1),,0,1),,0,-1),


					local halfSize =,Y,Z)

					for _, offsetVector in pairs(bipolarVectorSet) do
						local info:Types.VoxelInfo = {
							Size = halfSize,
							CFrame = ModTable:Work()[1],
							Parent = block.Parent,
							CanCollide = block.CanCollide,
							Transparency = block.Transparency,
							Material = block.Material,
							Anchored = block.Anchored,
							Color = block.Color,
							AlreadyExistsInWorkspace = false,
							AlreadyDivided = false,
							ResetTime = TimeToReset,
							OriginalPart = block.OriginalPart

				elseif smallest == block.Size.X and smallest * Threshold <= largest then

					local bipolarVectorSet = {}

					local X = block.Size.X
					local Y = block.Size.Y
					local Z = block.Size.Z

					Y /= 2
					Z /= 2
					bipolarVectorSet = { --Offset Vectors,-1,1),,1,1),,-1,-1),,1,-1),


					local halfSize =,Y,Z)

					for _, offsetVector in pairs(bipolarVectorSet) do
						local info:Types.VoxelInfo = {
							Size = halfSize,
							CFrame = ModTable:Work()[1],
							Parent = block.Parent,
							CanCollide = block.CanCollide,
							Transparency = block.Transparency,
							Material = block.Material,
							Anchored = block.Anchored,
							Color = block.Color,
							AlreadyExistsInWorkspace = false,
							AlreadyDivided = false,
							ResetTime = TimeToReset,
							OriginalPart = block.OriginalPart
				elseif smallest == block.Size.Z and smallest * Threshold <= largest then

					local bipolarVectorSet = {}

					local X = block.Size.X
					local Y = block.Size.Y
					local Z = block.Size.Z

					X /= 2
					Y /= 2
					bipolarVectorSet = { --Offset Vectors,-1,0),,1,0),,-1,0),,1,0),


					local halfSize =,Y,Z)

					for _, offsetVector in pairs(bipolarVectorSet) do
						local info:Types.VoxelInfo = {
							Size = halfSize,
							CFrame = ModTable:Work()[1],
							Parent = block.Parent,
							CanCollide = block.CanCollide,
							Transparency = block.Transparency,
							Material = block.Material,
							Anchored = block.Anchored,
							Color = block.Color,
							AlreadyExistsInWorkspace = false,
							AlreadyDivided = false,
							ResetTime = TimeToReset,
							OriginalPart = block.OriginalPart


					local bipolarVectorSet = { --Offset Vectors,1,1),,1,-1),,-1,1),,-1,-1),,1,1),,1,-1),,-1,1),,-1,-1),

					local halfSize = block.Size / 2.0

					for _, offsetVector in pairs(bipolarVectorSet) do
						local info:Types.VoxelInfo = {
							Size = halfSize,
							CFrame = ModTable:Work()[1],
							Parent = block.Parent,
							CanCollide = block.CanCollide,
							Transparency = block.Transparency,
							Material = block.Material,
							Anchored = block.Anchored,
							Color = block.Color,
							AlreadyExistsInWorkspace = false,
							AlreadyDivided = false,
							ResetTime = TimeToReset,
							OriginalPart = block.OriginalPart


	local check = false
	for i, v in pairs(partTable) do
		if math.floor(v.Size.X) > minimum or math.floor(v.Size.Y) > minimum or math.floor(v.Size.Z) > minimum then
			check = true
	if NotInHitbox then
		for i,v in NotInHitbox do
	if check == true then
		for i,partInfo in pairs(partTable) do
			if partInfo.AlreadyDivided then
		return DivideBlock(partTable,MinimumVoxelSize,TimeToReset,Hitbox)
		return partTable --Returns resulting parts

function OctreeDivision.DivideBlock(Parts:Types.PartTable,Minimum:number|string,timeToReset:number,Hitbox:BasePart):Types.VoxelInfoTable
	local voxelTable:Types.VoxelInfoTable = {}
	local minimum = Minimum or Settings.DefaultMinimumVoxelSize

	for i,v in Parts do
		if v:HasTag(Settings.TagName) then
			--if Settings.UseCache then
			--	Constructor:ReturnPart(v)
			--	v:Destroy()
		local temp:Types.VoxelInfo = {
			Parent = v.Parent,
			Size = v.Size,
			CFrame = v.CFrame,
			Material = v.Material,
			CanCollide = v.CanCollide,
			Transparency = v.Transparency,
			Color = v.Color,
			Anchored = v.Anchored,
			AlreadyDivided = true,
			AlreadyExistsInWorkspace = true,
			ResetTime = timeToReset,
			OriginalPart = v,

	return DivideBlock(voxelTable,minimum,timeToReset,Hitbox)

return OctreeDivision

And the function passed through LoadModule:

return function(blockCF,halfSize,offsetVector)
	local cf = blockCF + blockCF:VectorToWorldSpace((halfSize / 2.0) * offsetVector)
	return cf

I know it’s kind of hard to read lol

Not too bad when you paste it into studio :P

Here is the issue

You are calling :Work() right after Scheduling a task, meaning there is only a single task scheduled to run, and it is thus unable to assign tasks to multiple threads. You need to Schedule multiple tasks, before calling :Work()

I will also point out that the work you are doing (the CFrame calculation) is not very computationally intensive alone, and it’ll only become computationally intensive from the high number of voxels.
However, when doing a single voxel per task, this increases the amount of tasks substancially, and the overhead (especially with the arguments being sent, sending arguments to different parallel threads is costly).
I would suggests coding the function in the module to take a list of voxels, and return the calculated CFrame for those voxels (bonus point if you can reduce the amount of data being sent), and have the main script schedule a set amount of tasks (maybe like 24), and divide all the voxels evenly (or the closest to evenly) between those 24 tasks

However, it is important to measure the performance (either through the micro profiler, or maybe with os.clock(), the script performance tab is inaccurate) to figure out if you actually save up performance by doing this. Parallel lua on roblox has very limited use cases still, and often, using parallel lua takes up more time because of the overhead. It is also very possible that other segments of the code (such as moving parts, resizing them, etc) take up a significant amount of time while CFrame calculations aren’t very significant, and those cannot be ran in parallel or optimized

Anyway, here is an example on how you could implement it:

	local halfSize =,Y,Z)
	for _, offsetVector in pairs(bipolarVectorSet) do 
	local ResultTable = ModTable:Work()

	for i, offsetVector in pairs(bipolarVectorSet) do
		local info:Types.VoxelInfo = {
			Size = halfSize,
			CFrame = ResultTable[i],
			Parent = block.Parent,
			CanCollide = block.CanCollide,
			Transparency = block.Transparency,
			Material = block.Material,
			Anchored = block.Anchored,
			Color = block.Color,
			AlreadyExistsInWorkspace = false,
			AlreadyDivided = false,
			ResetTime = TimeToReset,
			OriginalPart = block.OriginalPart

Here, the loop is ran twice, once to schedule all the tasks, and then to set up the tables when the work is done. The results are returned in the same order they were scheduled, so you can simply get them using the index of the for loop

(I also noticed that the loop only runs 2-8 times throughout your code, which is not a lot, and for each, only somewhat basic CFrame calculations are done. It is highly likely that the work is not computationally intensive enough to benefit from parallel lua)

Something else to note is that if you batch tasks together, you can send block.CFrame and halfSize only once for the 2-8 tasks, reducing the amount of data being sent. My example doesn’t include this though

Under the “Performance Tips” drop down, you can read more about performance when using this module or parallel lua in general

Hope this helps


I don’t know if I’m using the module incorrectly or what, but it doesn’t work for me.

I’m using your module for my ‘Global Illumination’ module, so it runs faster.

Code for main module:

-- Service(s)
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local HTTPService = game:GetService("HttpService")

-- Variable(s)
local Classes = script.Classes
local Methods = script.Methods
local External = script.External
local ParallelFunctions = script.ParallelFunctions

local ParallelScheduler = require(External.ParallelScheduler)

-- Function(s)
local function InstanceChacker(instName, className, parent)
	if parent:FindFirstChild(instName) then
		return parent:FindFirstChild(instName)
		local inst =
		inst.Parent = parent
		inst.Name = instName

		return inst

-- Main
local globalIllum = {totalGrid = 0}
local PreviousStorage = nil

function globalIllum:GloballyIlluminate(baseBrightness: NumberSequence?, divisions: number?, color: ColorSequence?, castShadow: boolean?)
	baseBrightness = baseBrightness or
	divisions = divisions or 60
	castShadow = castShadow or false
	color = color or,1,1), Lighting.Ambient))

	local GlobalLights = InstanceChacker("GlobalLights", "Folder", workspace)
	local Storage = InstanceChacker(HTTPService:GenerateGUID(), "Folder", GlobalLights)

	PreviousStorage = Storage

	local workspaceSize = require(Methods.WorkspaceSize).Get()
	local yOffset = workspaceSize.Y
	local yOffsetRaycast = workspaceSize.Y / 8
	local divisionSizeX = workspaceSize.X / divisions
	local divisionSizeZ = workspaceSize.Z / divisions

	local lightDirection = require(Methods.LightDirection).Get()
	local Brightness = Lighting.Brightness
	local totalParts = divisions^2 

	local totalTime = divisions - 1

	require(Classes.GridPart).CastShadow = castShadow

	local gridSize = math.max(divisionSizeX, divisionSizeZ) / 2
	local ModuleScript = ParallelScheduler:LoadModule(ParallelFunctions.IllluminationLoop)

	--	for i = 0, divisions - 1 do
	--		coroutine.wrap(function()
	--			for j = 0, divisions - 1 do
	--				local interpFactor = (i + j) / (2 * totalTime)

	--				local brightness = require(Methods.Number).Interpolate(baseBrightness, interpFactor, totalParts)
	--				local gridColor = require(Methods.Color).Interpolate(color, interpFactor)

	--				require(Classes.GridPart).Brightness = brightness
	--				require(Classes.GridPart).BaseColor = gridColor

	--				require(Classes.GridPart).new(i, j, gridColor, castShadow, brightness, workspaceSize,, 0, divisionSizeZ), yOffset, gridSize, lightDirection, yOffsetRaycast, Storage)
	--			end
	--		end)()
	--	end
	ModuleScript:ScheduleWork(divisions, totalTime, totalParts, baseBrightness, color, castShadow, workspaceSize, divisionSizeX, divisionSizeZ, yOffset, gridSize, lightDirection, yOffsetRaycast, PreviousStorage)

	globalIllum.totalGrid = totalParts

function globalIllum:ManipulateGrid(gridX: number, gridY: number, color: Color3?, brightness: number?, castShadow: boolean?)
	local Grid = PreviousStorage:FindFirstChild(tostring("X_" .. gridX .. "-Y_" .. gridY))

	if Grid then
		if color or brightness or castShadow then
			Grid.PointLight.Color = color or Grid.PointLight.Color
			Grid.PointLight.Brightness = brightness or Grid.PointLight.Brightness
			Grid.PointLight.Shadows = castShadow or Grid.PointLight.Shadows
		warn("Invalid grid position.")

return globalIllum

Loop module:

return function(divisions, totalTime, totalParts, baseBrightness, color, castShadow, workspaceSize, divisionSizeX, divisionSizeY, yOffset, gridSize, lightDirection, yOffsetRaycast, Storage, TaskIndex)
	local Methods = script.Parent.Parent.Methods
	local Classes = script.Parent.Parent.Classes
	for i = 0, divisions - 1 do
		for j = 0, divisions - 1 do
			local interpFactor = (i + j) / (2 * totalTime)

			local brightness = require(Methods.Number).Interpolate(baseBrightness, interpFactor, totalParts)
			local gridColor = require(Methods.Color).Interpolate(color, interpFactor)

			require(Classes.GridPart).Brightness = brightness
			require(Classes.GridPart).BaseColor = gridColor

			require(Classes.GridPart).new(i, j, gridColor, castShadow, brightness, workspaceSize,, 0, divisionSizeZ), yOffset, gridSize, lightDirection, yOffsetRaycast, Storage)

Error in question:

There are a couple of problems in your code

First of all, you should only use LoadModule once, so instead of using it inside of your function, put it at the top, perhaps right under the line where you require ParallelScheduler

At the bottom of your GloballyIlluminate function, you use ModuleScript:ScheduleWork() and ModuleScript:Work() right after one another, meaning only 1 thread will be working (for the 1 task scheduled), completely undermining the benefits or running it parallel. ModuleScript:ScheduleWork() should be called multiple times, before ModuleScript:Work() is called

These issues aren’t what is causing the error though, that error is simply caused because SharedTables (what is used to send the arguments to the different lua vms) doesn’t accepts instances

Shared tables (and other means to send data across lua vms) are slow. You are currently sending a lot of arguments to your loop, so I would recommend reducing the number of arguments as much as possible
I also see in your Loop Module that you seem to change the Brightness and BaseColor properties of instances? That function will be ran in parallel, which includes many restrictions, such as modifying the properties of instances. You can either use task.synchronize() at the end of the Loop Module to exit the parallel phase, or send back values to the main script and apply changes there

Another note is that you probably can require Classes.GridPart, Methods.Number and Methods.Color at the top of the Loop Module, outside the returned function, allowing you to require them only once

Also make sure that using parallel scheduler actually improves performance. Parallel lua has a lot of overhead, and it can make code slower instead of faster if the work performed in parallel wasn’t all that slow. If you have a high number of small (fast) tasks, group them into bigger (slower) tasks

May I know what you found with your bindable testing? I just made a parallelism module that uses bindables to send packets of data and put them together to one big table, it performed better than ComputeLua - which is what I usually use for Parallel Luau. I’m sure you’re a much more professional in this field than I do, but it seems like sending data through bindables seems to perform faster? I haven’t tested your module with mine yet, but is there a reliable way to stress test my module? Currently I just do square roots.

Roughly benchmarked your module, turns out yours was ~50ms faster; I was just doing plain os.clock() benchmarks instead of averaging attempts out, but now my average of 100 iterations is 20ms while yours is a solid 26ms (doing sqrt)

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It’s been a while since I’ve tested different alternatives and I didn’t note down the results. It’s interesting that you’ve found out bindables are faster, I’ll have to look into and probably do testing again, more thoroughly this time. Don’t really have time right now though :/

My testing wasn’t very thorough so it is possible I missed something. Could also be that performance changed over time

I don’t remember why I used shared tables instead of bindables. It would be easy to strictly use bindables to pass the arguments, and I’m pretty sure this is what I was doing initially, but I assume performance made me switch to shared tables


The reason why I opted out of using sharedtables is because just fetching it consumed 6% of the total time, and when I tried the bindables - it’s just around 0.7%

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