Parent property is locked

Hello, today I got a problem that say: “The parent property of jeb is locked, current parent: NULL, new parent: char0003sevitan”.
(jeb is a localscript and char0003sevitan is my player character)

If it’s possible I would like to know how correct this error.



This happened when you try to destroy a object and then reparent it.

:Destroy() set the parent to null and locks the object, preventing it from being changed.

Without exact code, I can’t help you any further than explaining it. With exact code, I could.

The fix to this is simply making sure the object is not destroyed when you change its parent.


The reason the problem is happening is most likely due to the script not being initialized yet, thus throwing that warning. I think the error is not due to the object being destroyed.

Actually, nothing destroy jeb so uh…

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Can you give us any code? We need some code to atleast find what is happening.

future.rbxm (16.4 KB)

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Try adding a wait() before parenting your scripts. This might be the reason why.

cc @zQ86

A object being destroyed is not the only way a parent is locked. This could be due to a plethora of things.

Somehow, you try to re-parent a locked object.

When posting code to the devfourm, please instead of just posting a file post the code and a screenshot of the object hierarchy.

Adding a arbitrary wait() is not a good solution to this problem. As the length of wait() varies across machines, this does not fix the issue fully.


I have tryed to put a wait before it error and sadly it still don’t work…

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There’s hundreds of lines of code which are creating and customizing a character, but I don’t know why? What are you trying to do with making a model? If you are trying to create a custom character, then you should make the model normally and name the model “StarterCharacter”, then parenting it to StarterPlayer. This would work way better, plus you could place your scripts in StarterCharacterScripts. If that’s not what you’re trying to do, then I would have to look at your code way more.

I hate to repeat myself, but instead of a rbxm file, could you post the code in a code block instead?

Part of the problem is likely related to you accessing parts before they exist. Try to add WaitForChild in any references to parts.

Actually the script should be loaded with a ModuleScript that why models aren’t in the script and I didn’t made this part of the code.

Just use :Remove() instead of :Destroy()


I used to have this problem it occurs when you clone something outside a function, and then parent it inside a function. Try bringing the clone if you have any at all, into the function


how is this different from using :Destroy?

There are 2 methods that lets you delete the part, :Remove() and :Destroy().

:Remove() - method that sets the instance parent to nil, and does the same for all its descendants meaning it doesn’t really destroy it and it keeps all the connections etc.
:Destroy() method also sets the instance parent to nil and does the same for all its descendants but along with it, this method does everything to make the model as useless as if it didn’t exist. it e.g. disconnects part events.
However since :Remove method is just setting the instance and its descendants parent to nil, it doesn’t bother about parent locking.

:Destroy() method locks the parent property with the instance removal, so parent property has to be nil.
Additionally there are 2 better ways that you could try out to fix this problem:

  • if statement
    check if the parent isn’t null before destroying objects.
local part

if part.Parent then
  • debris, debris service could handle it for you, try it:
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local part

debris:AddItem(part, 0)

Read official documentation about that here: Instance | Roblox Creator Documentation


If you are trying to change the parent of an object like Workspace, your code will not work. Check this out cause it happened to me too

hello, probaly you are trying this UniversalNametag:Clone() UniversalNametag.Parent = char:FindFirstChild("Head") UniversalNametag.Username.Text = plr.Name, if it is the case, you need to define the clone like this: local clone = UniversalNametag:Clone() clone.Parent = char:FindFirstChild("Head") clone.Username.Text = plr.Name