Parent Property of TerrainCursorPart is locked

Hey everyone, I’ve been working on terrain recently when I received this warning. My terrain tools started to work weirdly as well with weird positioning and the TerrainCursorPart doesn’t show up in the proper place.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Usually this warning means that you’re destroying/parenting to nil or something too quick? Could we see the script that’s supposed activate the tools?

I’m just using the terrain editor, I’m not using any external scripts which activate that tool. Maybe it’s one of the scripts in the game that’s causing the problem?

this happens to me when i sculpt my world, and sometimes a new group called “TerrainCursorPart” is generated in the workspace as a result.
i think it is an issue with Studio, but it doesn’t seem to be obstructive in any way.
the extra groups can be deleted.

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