Parenting a Part outside of Workspace then parenting it back causes Parts to not be rendered for one frame

When parts are parented outside of workspace and parented back into workspace it causes the parts to sometimes not render for one or more frames, but when new parts are created instead of parts parented outside of workspace they will always render.

First Experienced: Dec 2nd, 2024 | 09:20 PM UTC
Expected behavior: Parts that were parented outside of workspace being reparented rendering
Actual result: Parts that are reparented take one frame or longer to render

OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-3740QM CPU @ 2.70GHz
GPU: NVIDIA Quadro K1000M

I have created a repro place which has a 10x10 panel of parts which are being changed quickly with new parts, with cache turned off it creates new parts each time and destroys old time. With cache turned on it instead parents parts that are being destroyed outside of workspace and puts it into a cache, and when new parts are being created it takes a part from the cache which creates holes inside the panel which can be seen when screenshotted.

Cache: OFF

Cache: ON

Video showcasing the bug:

Repro Place:
flicker bug.rbxl (59.6 KB)


going to add some more to this.

ive tested on different computers and on my android and IOS phones and all have this bug,
changing the parent of the cached part during renderstepped/prerender doesnt change anything and shadows for the parts dont go away during the frame they are invisible

someone in the past Roblox replacing parts causes flickering - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - Developer Forum | Roblox seemed to have experienced this but said disabling streaming enabled solved the issue, but this is not the case at least not anymore.

heres a public experience you can play and see for yourself, a row of black parts will change parent every 3 seconds causing them to flicker most of the time

Part Parenting Visual Delay - Roblox

heres a place file of this experience, the code in the localscript is much simpler than in the place file op posted

parentingDelayTest.rbxl (46.3 KB)