Parenting rig from server storage to workspace doesn't make animations work

Hi! I’m having an issue with my tycoon game. I have animations for the workers, but when I parent the rig/model from ServerStorage to the tycoon model in Workspace, the animations including the default Roblox animations stop working, and the rig remains still.

The un-owned stuff are parented to the player’s storage folder in ServerStorage

When the rig is already part of the tycoon model, everything works normally, but the problem happens specifically when I parent it from ServerStorage. I’ve tried debugging this issue multiple times without success. Please help!

Serverstorage can only be accessed from the server side, along with that, Animations cannot be played through a normal script, it has to be a localscript, This can be a normal localscript or a script with the runcontext set to client.

I recommend moving the stuff you store in server storage to replicated storage.