< > signifies arguments that are optional, [ ] signifies required arguments, // means that there is another command related to the one listed
list of colors and times that are available is at the bottom
Prefix for all commands is β:β, for example, the speed command would be :speed
Moderator Commands
speed [speed number]
sparkles < color > // unsparkles
fire < color > // unfire
smoke < color > // unsmoke
Admin Commands
fly // unfly
invisible // visible
time [time (from list at bottom) or time value (XX:YY:ZZ) XX = Hours, YY = Minutes, and ZZ = Seconds]
char [User ID you want to char yourself as]
bodycolor [color]
Owner Commands
you can also use βmeβ as an argument for some owner commands instead of < player >
bighead < player >
minihead < player >
kill < player >
systemmessage < message >
gravity < gravity number > (Will reset after 10 seconds)
sit < player >
jump < player >
Color List
- red
- green
- blue
- purple
Time List
- night
- day