Paris Police Station - Showcase

this was from a commission I did a while back :smirk_cat:


Hello @Sceletons! I love your build! It totally reminds me of downtown Paris. Keep up the great work! :wink:

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The buildings looks great! The lights could glow a little less and the tint is too yellow.



I like the showcase a lot though. I just think the lights are wayy to bright.


you spotted michelle obama! congratulations, it means you really appreciated my build and looked into the little details, thank you!

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I thought that was Barack Obama! :flushed:
What’s that thing on the right?

To be honest, when I saw your name, I already knew that this build was going to be good. So I didn’t really look into the details, I just saw some discoloration and I was like “Hmm, what’s that?” :sweat_smile:


I really like this showcase, really appealing to the eye.

I can only imagine the time and effort you put into this…

Keep up the great work, friend. :+1:

Hard to tell it’s Roblox. Truly magnificent