meme in roblox (useless lol)

I recreated the meme (GitHub - hugomd/ 🐦 Bringing animated parrots to terminals everywhere) in Roblox, Why? Idk I was bored.

get it here: meme - Roblox (just put it in startergui) anyway I don’t really think this is gonna get a lot of attraction but oh well.


It got my attraction it looks so useful for funny games

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Thank you so very much, this invention has surely changed Roblox and LUA development as a whole and I can’t wait to see what can be created with your invention, maybe Battlefield can be recreated with RTX in Roblox perhaps, Half-Life 3 per chance, who knows, the limits are endless now!

Nice stuff :smiley: !

This is an absolute work of art. Reminds me of the spinning donut…