Parsing DeepLink information from a Private server link with the newer format

I want to be able to find which private server to send a user to based on a private server link provided to the program (after this update to the format of private server links). Currently, the deeplinking system (as far as I know, see this post for more info) does not support the same type of “code” as the current private server links which are in the format of{([0-9]|[a-f]){32}}&type=Server, however it does support the old format of{gameid}?privateServerLink={[0-9]{32}} (using the linkCode= parameter).

As such, we currently have the user paste in the private server link so they can be redirected to the page with the “newer” format which includes the linkCode that is needed (along with the gameID, but our program is only used for one game) for us to create a valid deeplink. I have tried using the undocumented parameters that I found with help from the above post, but they did not work. I’m not really sure who can answer this, maybe someone who works at roblox or someone who has actually had this exact same situation as me.

Anyway, if you do reply, thank you. Also, the code for the program can be found here, and the exact lines in question are L15894-15925. It’s programmed in AutoHotkey, the syntax is similar JS.

Are you referring to the /share?code= links?

yes, a link like

well, i found a way :partying_face:, for anyone else looking for this, here’s how you do it:
i found it by looking through the html/js of a share code link, which led me to

<script type="text/javascript" onerror="Roblox.BundleDetector && Roblox.BundleDetector.reportBundleError(this)" data-monitor="true" data-bundlename="ShareLinks" data-bundle-source="Main" src=""></script>

which led me to this:

                                "roblox://navigation/share_links?code=" +
                                  n +
                                  "&type=" +

so, using the link from my reply above, the deeplink would be constructed like so:

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