this is one of the songs i made for my upcoming game. tell me what you think! and hopefully when i can get it up on roblox due to it violating the “terms of use”
I hear some dissonance right off the bat. Inspect your elements and check if they are in the right key. Also whatever that bass is that starts at 11 seconds does not match he beat, and the offbeats don’t sound good, remember the offbeats should be used sparingly. Unless you know what you’re doing.
But the part after 1:55 sounds good.
Probably side-chaining might improve the groove a little. And a little more drums probably, as I barely hear any hats.
Also the way you introduce your elements seem very fast and rough, try putting some risers or snare rolls with increasing velocity so it increases excitement.
But this is already good, good job on it.
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thanks! i did make this on band lab and i don’t have much experience but thank you for the tips
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