Part becomes glitchy after a few seconds

I am using a heartbeat loop to make a part stay in one position, however, after a few minutes/seconds the part begins to stop staying in that position, and takes a few frames to respond. I have also tried while true do, but it has the same result.
How may I fix this? This has also happened in another game. (Project: Bowling)
To replicate this, just play this game for a few minutes:
The player should begin glitching side to side if done correctly, and should begin doing other weird things to make the game unplayable.
Another way to replicate this is to use a part that continuously sets its position to,0,0).

this might be because of physics applying more and more velocity to the part overtime, try setting the parts velocity to, 0, 0) after setting the position

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^ This removes ALL velocity, meaning it also removes intentionally kept velocity. I still want the part I am using to be able to turn (since the one in my game I am currently working on, not project bowling uses a swinging door for this representation of the bug).