I’m currently making a moving platform using BodyPosition. It works, but every time it goes from one position to the other, it slowly lowers. I have a lot of max force for all axes, especially the Y, and I also have a BodyGyro for stabilization. I’m not sure why this is happening. I would upload a video but it’s not working so here’s a diagram instead:
As you can see in the diagram, the moving platform (red) is slowly moving down each time it goes side to side. If anybody knows a way to fix this or if this can be fixed, please let me know.
P.S. I put this in scripting support incase a solution involves scripting.
Set your max force to inf, inf, inf if you haven’t already. If you are setting the position of the platform via script, make sure you aren’t slowly lowering the Y axis of the position you are setting somehow.
I tried that just now and it didn’t make a difference. Could it be because I’m not using other parts to send the platform to, like start and finish parts?
The only reason this would occur that I can think of, is that you might not be sending the part between fixed positions, but instead to the part’s current position plus or minus a certain amount.