Part changing color when rotated

Not sure why… not all surfaces only 2 of the surfaces change color.

It does not happen always only at some specific orientations

Uhm i belive that’s the sun aka: shadow effect is taking place on ur brick

Or a glitch


It is not. It happens with all lighting. with shadows off or on.

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and it does not happen at my other places… weird.

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Well then it’s a bug i don’t know, sorry.

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It is even worse with shadowmap lighting. The place is 100% empty btw.

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Pretty sure this is just related to the lighting of the game. I don’t think it should affect your game too much, but I could be wrong. :slight_smile:


It does a little bit to the color
both of this parts are white but one is darker than the other (not all surfaces turn dark it depends on the orientation)

It seems that this is not a part color change but rather a shadow lighting effect based on the suns position in correlation to the part. If you don’t want this you can; turn off shadow lighting, change the suns position, or add another light counteracting the shadow.


This is just a rendering issue due to the shadows, just a small bug - it’s not actually changing colour and ingame it should look fine.


This isn’t a glitch or a bug at all. After you provided that screenshot with more blocks, it’s easy to see you don’t have any shadows at all (sort of). The reason this is only happening in one of your places is because you have “GlobalShadows” turned off for that specific place. Otherwise, in that screenshot, the whole inside of the build would be completely dark due to shadows/lack of a light source. What you’re seeing is the “old” roblox shadows. With GlobalShadows off, roblox tries to compensate by changing (though not literally) the side facing away from the physical sun in the skybox darker and anything facing towards it lighter. So, you might have both blocks set to white, but one of them, if rotated differently, may look slightly darker than the other.

To fix this, go to the Lighting section of the Explorer and make sure you have “GlobalShadows” checked.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Edit: Here’s a poorly made gif showing what I mean

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Thanks for explaining it. Wish I could pick more than 1 solution.

No worries- glad I could help!

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