I made a script so my trunk, which is a group, can open by having 2 of them and making one transparent. The problem is that the collision doesn’t work and the Transparency does.
local trunk1 = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild('TDoor1')
local trunk2 = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild('TDoor2')
local click = script.Parent
click.Enabled = true
for _, Child in pairs(trunk2:GetChildren()) do
Child.Transparency = 1
for _, Child in pairs(trunk1:GetChildren()) do
Child.Transparency = 1
Child.CanCollide = false
for _, Child in pairs(trunk2:GetChildren()) do
Child.Transparency = 0
Child.CanCollide = true
click.Enabled = false
Actually in-game some parts of the vehicle like the roof and the seats don’t have collision but the properties window says they have. Maybe the problem is something else.
Any solution?