I’m trying to control stuff with the controller and have them fall when there’s nothing below them. Currently the part won’t go down at all, even if there’s nothing under them. Here’s how it’s currently set up:
I swear I must be missing something, but I’ve completely followed the documentation so I dunno what’s wrong
Hi, they left out a state machine for the new character controllers, so you’ll have to implement one yourself.
First add an AirController (which you are missing) into the ControllerManager. Then you’ll check in a RenderStep loop if the GroundSensor.SensedPart is equal to nil (if you’re in the air) and then set the ControllerManager.ActiveController to the AirController - if there IS a SensedPart, then set the ActiveController to the GroundController.
Hello. I just tried this, but it seems that the SensedPart isn’t updating even when the part isn’t over any part/moves to a different part. Is there something else I’m missing?
Current Hierarchy:
Property info:
Controller Manager:
Ground Controller:
Ground Sensor:
It looks like you’ve put all the things needed in their right places, and this behaviour is unusual.
I heard there was a bug going around with the Sensors, and to fix that, you’d have to parent the character to the workspace first, and then add the sensors and everything via script.
I’d try that, and I would put the state machine logic into a local script.
Thank you, this was the problem
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