Part debris effect

I’ve looked forever on resources to help me with this but I cannot find it.

How do you make an effect like this?

Parts fling into the air.

I know raycasting is used to get the properties of the ground, but not sure about anything else. I would guess you would create multiple parts and then set random body velocities to them? Not sure.

Seems like a combination of both BodyAngularVelocity & BodyForce objects

The BodyAngularVelocity is used to rotate the parts in a random direction, while the BodyForce randomly move the parts in different linear directions (A BodyVelocity would work too but it’d only be constant)

I do not recommend using either of those. There are new properties of parts that supersede them in performance.

I’m aware, I was just making a simple assumption

Not sure if you’re referring to the AssemblyLinearVelocity/AssemblyAngularVelocity properties though

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I am, yes ^-^

Using properties instead of instances will be a better practice on many levels.