Part despawn for no reason

Hello, i have a problem with 2 parts basicly the parts are interactive menu and i delete everythings in game exept the parts but the part is deleted when i click play but when i click play-here it don’t delete it. I never had this bug before and this extremly annoying thanks. Image of property too below.


Try changing transparency to 0

Hey, this don’t change anything the part continue the bug.

Other fact, if i pass Client to Server the Server see it in explorer but not the Client.

Probably, you have local script which deletes that part. If you insert in your place free model, this can be viruses.

Did you read my post propely ? Let me repeat that and tell you the image too. I deleted everything in the game exept the Part in the image you can see it too.

hm. The only possible thing I know is malicious plugins.

I disabled all but not work again.