A part 2048 x 2048 x 2048 studs will disappear when I press play when it is attached to a motor and uncanhcored. I cannot figure out what is happening.
Maybe because the part is unanchored.
Well if you anchor it it doesn’t spin.
You”re right, have you tried anything else?
Yes, but nothing worked. Is it maybe the the AngularVelocity or something?
check if cancollide on any of the parts is false
It is for the motor part, and I did have it true before and it still didn’t work.
Do you have a single part connected to the motor? If so, this won’t work because then the motor is essentially connected to nothing and will fall if unanchored. You need to attach the other end of the motor to an anchored part.
The motor is attached to the part, and the motor part is anchored.
Hey, question; what are the properties of the motor. Since i might know what’s wrong.
If you’re using the motor 6d
If you connect the part you want to weld at Part 1
and connect the part that has the weld in it as part 0
then part 1 moves into part 0. Don’t know why it does this, but it does.
Torque is really high, like 9999999 and the angular velocity is 15
Maybe Motor6D is a suggestion? Or is it a Motor6D? I’m more expierenced in Motor6D, that’s why.
- It’s not a Motor6D
- I literally have no idea how to use those
Maybe you should take a look at this video. I know it’s about a plane but it’s about Motor6D and Motor6D is pretty great to be honest. Anyways, let me know if it worked out!