Part doesn't set its CFrame properly

I’ve been trying to make a simple part that acts as a tracer in my gun framework.

It doesn’t seem to set itself to the correct CFrame of the attachment, even though I’m 100% sure it should able to.

Let me explain quickly.

This is a module function I made that adds parts where origin is located:

function Caster:VisualizeRays(Origin, Result)

	local Part ="Part")
	Part.Anchored = true
	Part.CanCollide = false
	Part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
	Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(214, 124, 88)
	Part.Parent = workspace.Terrain
	Part.CFrame = Origin.WorldCFrame

Origin in this code is supposed to be an attachment.

So, I used this function in a different module script, which has a variable that stores the attachment point from my viewmodel:

local Info = {
	FirePoint = nil

function FireBullet()
	local Bullet = Caster:FireCast(Camera.CFrame.Position, Camera.CFrame.LookVector)
	Caster:VisualizeRays(Info.FirePoint, Bullet)

function Weapon:StartHandler(Viewmodel: string)

	local Model = Camera:FindFirstChildOfClass("Model")

	Data.Model = Model


	Info.FirePoint = Data.Model.Handle.ParticlePoint

So everything seems to be in order right? the attachment is shown correctly here.

no. it doesnt even instance the part in the correct place.

I’ve been banging my head against a wall for a good while and still haven’t been able to fix it, i’d really appreciate your help here : (

maybe try using

Part.CFrame =

.Position of the attachment is relative to its Parent, I’ve tried this instead:

Part.CFrame =

But still got the same result.