Howdy ; First off this is my very first suggestion on the RBXDev forums and I am sorry for my spelling mistakes and bad grammar , but it’s not my fault it’s the fault of the german education system .
So the Improvements that the Part moving tool needs are best to explain with telling ist current difficulty :
I am building replications of weapon models since nearly two years from now , and I always build my stuff in its desired original size ->So I nearly always work with part sizes lower than 0.2 studs .
Which leads to the problem that once I zoom in far enough to precisely move the part , its Moving handles are simply too far away from the parts center so I cannot drag them >-< : like seen in this pic :
Solution : It would utterly help if the Moving tool dragging handles get closer to the parts center when zooming in that close to a part and also get slightly shorter :
->Furthermore : Indeed i forgot to mention that actually all dragging handles of the three basic building tools need this Fix !
Also there is another exactly opposite problem : When zooming very far out and or working with part sizes higher than 200 ; the dragging handles
->Especially the handles of the rotate and resize tool are too far away from the object and often way too small to click them .
This results in annoying searches for the handles and in accidents like dragging a part instead of resizing it …why ever the resize tool has a built in dragger function ?? ;
Cause it’s dragging function was never ever even somehow useful !