Part fracturing system V3

Update V3

This is just a small update that consists of sound support, and a new weld debris value for the system


  • Sound support
  • Weld debris option (bool)


  • N/A

Side notes:

  • The thread for this system has been updated a bit

Very nice! I made a system that works using the exact same principles a while back.

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the next gen roblox rocket launcher is coming soonā€¦

Other than that, it looks AWESOME!

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Are you able to set how many shards there can be. Because maybe I want more debris. 0-0

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no, but i have tried adding this feature. More debris makes more triangles which causes lag, and removes the ā€˜shatterā€™ illusion.


Ah ok. Also I do expect more lag. I think what I was thinking was from you breaking the wall. Realistically there would be maybe a few more shards depending on itā€™s density. Thanks off answering.


You could try to make ā€œmore trianglesā€ anchored once they stopped moving, it makes not struggle to run.

Or if it didnt work, you could make complicated / basic raycasting + applying animation to make it seem like itā€™s falls by hit position from ray caster, it uses tweening and doesnt require physics.


This is really fun to play around with, itā€™s well done.

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So im using this system right now but theres a bug. you can see what it is in the vid below
heres my script

local Module = require(script:WaitForChild("PartFractureModule"))
script.Parent.BreakGlass.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, position, hit, rotate)
	local attach ="Attachment")
	attach.Parent = hit
	attach.Name = "BreakingPoint"
	attach.Visible = true
	local BreakingPoint = hit:FindFirstChild("BreakingPoint")
	if BreakingPoint and BreakingPoint:IsA("Attachment") then
		BreakingPoint.Position =, BreakingPoint.Position.Y, BreakingPoint.Position.Z) 

Oh, this system currently only works on one axis. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with your script.

Currently parts will have to be sized like so
(XThickness, YHeight, ZWidth)

your partā€™s face has to be the X axis. (I know it should be Z, but thatā€™s just what I chose at the time.)

Oh ok thanks for telling me that !

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Is there any way to make it work on all axis?

Unless you redo the entire system, no. This is just a simple 2D fracture system. Doing a 3D fracture system would be very complicated.

Complicated, but possible :smirk:

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How can i put like, some kind of a health to break the part?

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Holy smokes I was just browsing through the dev form when I found this. I will definitely be putting this to good use in my own project

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You could use a number value, that when the part is hit it checks the velocity of the part that hit it and takes away a number off that value, once the value reaches 0 break the glass

Experiencing some very typicalā€¦ behavior from the module.

local BreakingPoint = newPoint
BreakingPoint.Position = playermousehitpositionthing

Instance Config:

This is probably because the system isnā€™t 3D. It looks like the parts you are trying to break are on all axis but I could be wrong! (that didnā€™t make much sense and iā€™m not good at this type of stuff sorry!! :sweat_smile:)

This module only supports blocks and it will only break properly along the X axis. This module is pretty bare bones

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