What do you want to achieve?
The target part will return to the wanted position
What is the issue?
The part kinda get stuck there
It supposed to look like this at the end
What solutions have you tried so far?
I tried use TweenService but seems like it doesn’t used for those issues, I tried to turn off CanCollide but the issue still appears
--This is a server script
local M46RE = game.ReplicatedStorage.Folders.Remotes["M.46 Reload"]
local part = script.Parent.Route
local movetopart = script.Parent.RouteStart
local returntopart = script.Parent.RouteEnd
local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
part.Position = part.Position:Lerp(movetopart.Position, 0.6)
part.Position = part.Position:Lerp(returntopart.Position, 0.6)
So when you move the gun the part moves as well? is it welded or r u using this loop to position it.
Also just noticed you’re running these graphicsServer-Side I recommend you do this on the client. All graphics-related things should just be rendered to the client.
Also just read that you should avoid using wait() within run service
It’s very important to know what the client-side and Server side is for various reasons i’d try to explain it but not sure if I’d word it perfectly/ or good enough
What I was saying is that using something like run service on the client would give way better results if you did it within a local script.(Locally / on the client)