I have a script that when it touches a part, another part from the serverstorage appears in the workplace. The script worked before and now when I typed the script out again it didn’t work and I’ve been stuck for hours. Someone please help.
That is because you didn’t check to see if the part is touched by a humanoid and so the part can be touched by other parts like the baseplate.
local part = script.Parent
local part2 =game.ServerStorage.Part
part.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- hit is the item that is passed along when the part is touched
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then -- checking if the touched item contains a humanoid
part2.Parent = workspace
in script it mentions part in serverstorage instead of part2
Part2 is the name of the variable not the Part’s name (also hey do you remember me?)
edit: nvm I didn’t notice that xd