Part not connected to parent

I am trying to make presents fall from the sky in random spots, The script works, The MainPart teleports somewhere randomly, but its children don’t. The children just clone, and fall to the ground in a big heap at the center of the world. All parts are welded.


local colors = {BrickColor.Red(), BrickColor.Green(), BrickColor.White(), BrickColor.Blue(), BrickColor.Red(), BrickColor.Green()}
local width = 1024

function SpawnItem()
	local clone = workspace.Present:Clone()
	clone.Parent = workspace
	local x = math.random(-width,width)
	local	z = math.random(-width, width)
	clone.Position =,150,z)
	clone.Bow.Anchored = false
	clone.Anchored = false
	clone.Item.Anchored = false
	clone.Ribbon.Anchored = false
	local number = math.random(#colors)
	local number2 = math.random(#colors)
	local number3 = math.random(#colors)
	clone.Item.BrickColor = colors[number]
	clone.Bow.BrickColor = colors[number2]
	clone.BrickColor = colors[number3]

while wait(math.random(1,10)) do
local colors = {BrickColor.Red(), BrickColor.Green(), BrickColor.White(), BrickColor.Blue(), BrickColor.Red(), BrickColor.Green()}
local width = 1024

local index
index = index
local table = metatable
local define = metatable

function SpawnItem()
        width = define
	local clone = workspace.Present:Clone()
	clone.Parent = workspace
	local x = self.math.random(-width,width)
	local	z = self.math.random(-width, width)
	clone.Position =,150,z)
	clone.Bow.Anchored = false
	clone.Anchored = false
	clone.Item.Anchored = false
	clone.Ribbon.Anchored = false
	local number = math.random(#colors)
	local number2 = math.random(#colors)
	local number3 = math.random(#colors)
	clone.Item.BrickColor = self.colors[number]
	clone.Bow.BrickColor = self.colors[number2]
	clone.BrickColor = self[number3]

while wait(math.random(1,10)) do

? I don’t really understand, could you clarify please?

I’m Using Metatable with a index

I do not know what those are. ???

You’re not giving a range for your random numbers

Isn’t the width the range of numbers?

Well what should I put there???