Part not tweening

so i have an error, this part isnt tweening even tho it should, the value of the door open is set (i checked)
and nothing pops up in output

heres the script

local event = game.ServerStorage.Doors
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local currentlevel = game.ReplicatedStorage.CurrentLevel
local door

	local dooropen : Vector3
	local doorclosed : Vector3
	doorclosed = doorv.ClosedVector.Value
	dooropen = door.OpenVector.Value
	local t1 = TS:Create(door,,{Position = dooropen})          
	local t2 = TS:Create(door,,{Position = doorclosed})    
	local doorname = string.split(doorv,":")
	door = game.Workspace[doorname[1]].Doors[doorname[2]]
	door.Open.Value = true
	if open == true then

is there any issue?

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Is that the whole script?`

Sincerely Delusively

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yes, it is the whole script, i am not joking that is it

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Well if that is the whole script then yes, there are a few issues with the script that may be causing the tween not to work:

  1. The door variable is assigned after it is used in the TweenService, which will result in a nil value error.
  2. The door.Open.Value is set to true before the door variable is assigned, which will result in a nil value error.
  3. The door variable is not declared before it is used.

To fix these issues, you can try the following updated script:

local event = game.ServerStorage.Doors
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local currentlevel = game.ReplicatedStorage.CurrentLevel

    local doorname = string.split(doorv,":")
    local door = game.Workspace[doorname[1]].Doors[doorname[2]]
    local dooropen = door.OpenVector.Value
    local doorclosed = doorv.ClosedVector.Value
    door.Open.Value = true
    local t1 = TS:Create(door,,{Position = dooropen})          
    local t2 = TS:Create(door,,{Position = doorclosed})    
    if open == true then

In this updated script, the door variable is declared and assigned before it is used in the TweenService, and the door.Open.Value is set after the door variable is assigned. Additionally, the doorname variable is declared and used to retrieve the correct door object from the workspace.

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