This map gets completely filled with bumps and misaligned edges that weren’t there before. Here is a copy of the grass meshes that this can be reproduced with: GrassRepro.rbxm (70.7 KB)
I first discovered this bug on July 6th so it’s not a super recent bug (Just haven’t gotten to creating a bug report until now)
I’m aware of the rounding errors, but these parts go from an orientation of (-0.05, -180, 0) to (-0, -180, 0) once in runtime. And that’s a huge difference so it has to be a bug with some part of the orientation replication in general.
I also just noticed that this now happens in studio as well, so I will update the title. Could’ve sworn it didn’t a couple of weeks ago so there might be have been a new change that was published to live servers before it came to studio.
Could be, although it’s likely that the position gets somehow “corrupt” when you save the place, but the -0.5 orientation is kinda throwing me off (which led me to think it’s an aggravated rounding error)
(it happened to me ages ago, I had 9 baseplate placed in a 3x3 grid, each time I opened and published the place, the other plates would shift slightly)