Part position offsetting in game servers while not doing so in studios

So currently I am working on a racing game and I constantly run into a issue were the track segments positions offset in the game and only in the game. From what I can tell this only happens on the Z axis for me “Z is up and down in Roblox right?” I have seen others talk about it offsetting on the x and y Axis but I myself have never noticed this. Anyways the bigger the part the more it offsets now for me this is a big problem since each track segment is 150 studs long and I could optimize the track by making segments longer for straight aways but due to the offsetting I can not do this. Now I have done some testing and this is the results.

This is in studios without me running anything.

This is in studios when I hit play and it starts a server still no offsetting.

Now this is when I am actually in the game and the offsetting can be worse or less for each segment it isn’t just 1 set value.

I have tried to rejoin the game a few times and everything offsets in about the same position and we have no scripts that anchor or unanchor the tracks or changes the positions so it isn’t a script. This issue has been happening for as long as I can remember possibly back in 2011 I noticed it but never complained about it since I thought it would be fixed but it still has yet to be fixed.

From what I can tell you this issue happens for me every time with any game I join or play and even create so it is’t randomly happening only a few times. Now the main issue is I have been told rotations are sent precisely but positions are not. My question is why are positions not sent precisely because this should be the case unless it is impossible for Roblox to do. To those who think this offsetting is not that big of a deal, it is a big deal for those of us who make vehicle based games since it sends cars flying or bouncing on turns/ straight roads and can cause problems for us. In our case the cars can get sent flying over the walls during turns or bounce in the air during a straight away making the car loose control.

In closing I really hope this issue gets fixed because it has hindered me for so long from making racing games on this platform since there are no work around for the problem and logically positions and rotations should always be precise and not have values changing like this.


I don’t think you should make a bug report for this considering there’s already a thread… and you posted on it.

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I would have done that but I was told by a staff member to put into the bugs section and so I have. also the topic is different since that is specifically rotations which does not have offsetting issues rather I have position floating point errors instead.

intended+Pun I was told to make a new post about the position offsetting so now I am just waiting for them to get back to me.

In the original thread I said that the issue shouldn’t occur if rotation is 0, and to file a bug if this is not true. Your screenshot shows rotation != 0. Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but the issue here is with rotations, right?.. Also please follow the guidelines for bug reports - this doesn’t help us reproduce the problem.

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The issue automatically happens all I literally do is place parts anchor them and then go into the game and the positions have moved. Also I am not talking about rotations. I am specifically talking about the positions of each part. If you want me to I can send you the file of the game. The parts offset in the game by .002 or more but when you view them in studios they are in the proper location and are smooth.

After reading what you said basically what you are saying is if you have any rotation to a part the position will offset in the game. If this is what you are trying to say is there any way roblox could just make the positions precise as well because this ruins any car game that people try to make and constantly causes problems for me and other developers. I don’t understand why it even does this in the first place. Just tested it again and it still happens even to 0,0,0 rotation parts. The images I sent are actually 0,0,0 rotation.

One of the images shows one part with non-0 rotation, no? Anyway, it would help if we were actually able to look at the place that you’re showing in the screenshots. E.g. if there was a link to it. Or even better, make a simpler place that reproduces the problem and attach the place/model file to this post.

I found out the issue it is due to the textures on the part As soon as I removed the textures The offsetting problem stopped happening.