This is a super basic plugin, but one I found myself needing all the time! If you want to use parts as placeholders for how you’re going to position the camera later on, you want to position the part exactly right for that view.
Introducing… Part CFrame to Camera CFrame (I know right, catchy?!), basically, just select a part, position your camera to the desired view, then click the button in the plugins bar and voila, the part is in the same place as your camera view!
Oops, that print is left over from another plugin I made lol, easier to keep the basic button stuff and then edit the rest. (I’ll remove it when I get the chance)
My bad! I couldn’t think of a use case for your camera being at a part’s exact cframe, so I inferred that you meant an orbital type thing not too disimilar from what blender does.
Considering you’re a programmer yourself, I suggest just forking the plugin and modifying it to better suite your own needs and those similar to you :).
When taking screenshots, you could position your camera, place a part where your camera is and not be afraid to move your camera around because you could just set it back to where you placed the camera so your angle doesn’t change.