Part With Weld Problem?

I have started to make a building and i accidentally turned Join surfaces On and now its almost finish and there are a few thousand parts now. I need to know a way to remove all the weld and not deleting them one by one. I came up with an idea to remove it with a script and Test the game then i would copy the map from the explorer and paste it in studio. I have no idea how to make the script to delete all the welds in studio. I Hope you have a good idea or a solution to fix my weld problem. .

Hello. If you don’t want parts to automatically join to each other, just disable the “Join Surfaces” option in the Studio menu on top.
• Go to Home > Tools > Join Surfaces
• Go to Model > Tools > Join Surfaces

I said i already disabled it but i need to delete all the welds.

It seems like you are trying to create a script to break welds in your game. If so you might want to refer to the API reference or ask #help-and-feedback:building-support if you already have a script that doesn’t function. Otherwise the best option would be just to hand delete them.

I used to have join surface on 24/7 without me realizing, and when I did, I simply turned it off, selected everything, and moved it a stud, and that seemed to get rid of all the welds. You can also use the for loop in the previous reply inside the command bar, and it will execute inside studio.