Partial string matches for explorer filtering

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to find text-supported GuiObjects based on only a part of their Text property. This is especially hard-hitting when elements have a lot of text on them.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would not have to know the exact string to input into explorer search filtering so it can be picked up; nor would I have to go back to the caveman ways of using the command bar to find such elements.

I have a custom localisation tool that I use for text in my experiences that works alongside AutoLocalize, however we have some elements with a lot of text on them which can’t be processed by automatic cloud localisation and where splitting the text would be inconvenient.

When automatic cloud localisation isn’t able to process text, TextScraper will throw a warning in the output about it. My experience has a number of Guis with large amounts of text in a single property that fail automatic cloud localisation and spam the output. This is noise our testers and developers do not need as we are in the process of performing a major version update and need to have a clean output to see more important gameplay-related bugs.

I’m trying to disable AutoLocalize for the Gui elements that TextScraper can’t process, however without partial string searching, I am unable to find them, so I have to be slightly caveman and further refine my selection through the command bar to find what I want.