Particle Blending doesn't work properly on ParticleEmitters with negative ZIndex

Reproduction Steps

Simply position a particle emitter so that the particles clip the ground. Assuming your graphics settings are high enough, you’ll notice the particles blend into the ground where it clips. Now change the ZIndex to -1; instead of blending it will now cut off in a hard line.

Expected Behavior

I expect the particles to blend with surrounding geometry properly regardless of the ZIndex setting, like so

Actual Behavior

Instead, if you set the ZIndex to a negative value, moving it behind the part, the blending starts to misbehave

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly


Thanks for the report. I filed a ticket to our internal database.


I was not able to reproduce this error. The quality of blending was consistent between ZOffset values on all quality levels. I’m assuming this issue has already been fixed - if not, please respond again with a .rbxl reproduction file.