Particle Effect won't face down/up

Particle Effect won’t face down/up :skull: :skull_and_crossbones:

Notice: First time using Devform as help and first day of learning how to use vfx n stuff

What I’m trying to achieve
What I’m trying to achieve is getting my particle emitter to face up so that it won’t face the player or anything else, the reason I’m doing this is to have kinda like a 2d floor effect.

The main issue
The issue is that the particle effect isn’t facing upwards and is mainly looking perpendicular to the ground. I set it’s orientation to VelocityPerpendicular and if I change it to VelocityParallel it kind of fixes it but when I move the camera it sways side to side and I just want to to look directly up and not react to the camera/player’s movements. The parent of the particle effect is a cylinder; Size: 1,200,200. The Cylinder is layed flat on the ground.

What I’ve tried
I’ve tried for almost 2 hours in roblox studo trying to get this thing to work but no success, I’ve gone to discord servers, websites, dms and the Roblox Wiki for help.

I will be showing videos and images for more information. Feel free to ask me anything.


  • Video of what I’d like to achieve (only the floor part)
  • Screenshot of what I have (Should be white fog that are perpendicular to the ground)
  • Screenshots of properties
  • Screenshot of the particle’s parent (Cylinder which is transparent)


Screen Shot 2023-09-28 at 5.31.40 PM
when I do velocity perpendicular it seems to work
Is the problem that the emitter shape is a cylinder? Making it a box might help

Think I found the problem, try making the emitter shape a disc

I changed the emitter to a disk but it seems to make the particles go in a straight line and still not get it to face up.

change the emission direction?

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OHH It works now, thank you so much. For some reason I had to change the emission direction to “Left” for it to finally work. Thanks for your help!

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I have on question about the devforum in general. How did you get the badge next to your pfp saying your a modeler? I’m pretty new to devforums and I don’t know much about it.

Developer Forum | Roblox I think this is the link!


Thanks again @EffBeeCee
We really need more people like you

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